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Near-infrared observations of the carbon stars TU Geminorum and SS Virginis at milliarcsecond resolution
Aims.High-angular resolution investigations of carbon stars. Methods. Milliarcsecond resolution observations in the near infrared Kband by the method of lunar occultations are presented for the carbonstars TU Gem and SS Vir. Results. Although a companion to TU Gem is known from the Tycho catalogue, we were not able to detect it so we place limits on its K-bandbrightness. For both stars, we determined accurate values of the angulardiameters at the phase of the observation, namely 8.37 ± 0.07 masand 4.62±0.15 mas for SS Vir andTU Gem. Using distance estimates from theliterature, we found that the two stars have radii of about 500 R_ȯand 250 R_ȯ, respectively. We also computed their effectivetemperatures. Conclusions. The result for SS Vir (2445 ± 40 K) is in good agreement with estimates, but in the case of TU Gem our value of 3160 ± 110 K requires reconsidering currently available models.

CH stars at high Galactic latitudes
Carbon-rich stars of Population II, such as CH stars, can provide directinformation on the role of low- to intermediate-mass stars of the haloin early Galactic evolution. Thus accurate knowledge of the CH stellarpopulation is a critical requirement for building up scenarios for earlyGalactic chemical evolution. In the present work, we report on severalCH stars identified in a sample of faint high-latitude carbon stars fromthe Hamburg survey and discuss their medium-resolution spectra coveringthe wavelength range 4000-6800 Å. Estimation of the depths of the(1,0)12C12C λ4737 and(1,0)12C13C λ4744 bands in these starsindicates an isotopic ratio 12C/13C ~ 3, apartfrom a few exceptions; these ratios are consistent with existingtheories of CH stellar evolution. The stars of the Hamburg survey, atotal of 403 objects, were reported to be carbon star candidates withstrong C2 and CN molecular bands. In the first phase ofobservation, we acquired spectra of 91 objects. Inspection of thespectra of those objects shows 51 objects with C2 molecularbands in their spectra, of which 13 stars have low flux below about 4300Å. There are 25 objects that show weak or moderate CH and CNbands, 12 objects that show weak but detectable CH bands, and threeobjects that do not show any molecular bands due to C2, CN orCH in their spectra. Objects with C2 molecular bands and withgood signals bluewards of 4300 Åthat show prominent CH bands intheir spectra are potential candidate CH stars. There were 35 suchcandidates found in the present sample of 91 objects observed so far.The set of CH stars identified could be the targets of subsequentobservation at high resolution for a detailed and comprehensive analysisto understand their role in early Galactic chemical evolution.

CHARM2: An updated Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements
We present an update of the Catalog of High Angular ResolutionMeasurements (CHARM, Richichi & Percheron \cite{CHARM}, A&A,386, 492), which includes results available until July 2004. CHARM2 is acompilation of direct measurements by high angular resolution methods,as well as indirect estimates of stellar diameters. Its main goal is toprovide a reference list of sources which can be used for calibrationand verification observations with long-baseline optical and near-IRinterferometers. Single and binary stars are included, as are complexobjects from circumstellar shells to extragalactic sources. The presentupdate provides an increase of almost a factor of two over the previousedition. Additionally, it includes several corrections and improvements,as well as a cross-check with the valuable public release observationsof the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). A total of 8231entries for 3238 unique sources are now present in CHARM2. Thisrepresents an increase of a factor of 3.4 and 2.0, respectively, overthe contents of the previous version of CHARM.The catalog is only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via

The mass loss of C-rich giants
The mass loss rates, expansion velocities and dust-to-gas density ratiosfrom millimetric observations of 119 carbon-rich giants are compared, asfunctions of stellar parameters, to the predictions of recenthydrodynamical models. Distances and luminosities previously estimatedfrom HIPPARCOS data, masses from pulsations and C/O abundance ratiosfrom spectroscopy, and effective temperatures from a new homogeneousscale, are used. Predicted and observed mass loss rates agree fairlywell, as functions of effective temperature. The signature of the massrange M≤4 Mȯ of most carbon-rich AGB stars is seenas a flat portion in the diagram of mass loss rate vs. effectivetemperature. It is flanked by two regions of mass loss rates increasingwith decreasing effective temperature at nearly constant stellar mass.Four stars with detached shells, i.e. episodic strong mass loss, andfive cool infrared carbon-rich stars with optically-thick dust shells,have mass loss rates much larger than predicted values. The latter(including CW Leo) could be stars of smaller masses (M≃ 1.5-2.5Mȯ) while M≃ 4 Mȯ is indicated formost of the coolest objects. Among the carbon stars with detachedshells, R Scl returned to a predicted level (16 times lower) accordingto recent measurements of the central source. The observed expansionvelocities are in agreement with the predicted velocities at infinity ina diagram of velocities vs. effective temperature, provided the carbonto oxygen abundance ratio is 1≤ɛ C/ɛO≤2, i.e. the range deduced from spectra and modelatmospheres of those cool variables. Five stars with detached shellsdisplay expansion velocities about twice that predicted at theireffective temperature. Miras and non-Miras do populate the same locus inboth diagrams at the present accuracy. The predicted dust-to-gas densityratios are however about 2.2 times smaller than the values estimatedfrom observations. Recent drift models can contribute to minimize thediscrepancy since they include more dust. Simple approximate formulaeare proposed.This research has made use of the Simbad database operated at CDS.Partially based on data from the ESA HIPPARCOS astrometry satellite.Table 3 is only available in electronic form at the CDS via anonymousftp to ( or via

An attempt to derive Mg isotopic ratios in carbon stars
We discuss the use of the spectral range near 7570 Å todetermine the Mg isotopic ratios in carbon stars using theB'2 Sigma +-X 2 Sigma + system of the MgH molecule. We also compare with thespectral range near 5140 Å that has been commonly used in normalstars (oxygen-rich stars). The region near 5140 Å is not thebetter choice for carbon stars because it is very crowded with CN andC_2 molecular bands and the localization of the continuum iscomplicated. The range near 7570 Å is less blended withmolecular bands. The continuum is easy to locate and the isotopicsplitting between MgH isotopic absorptions is larger. Unfortunately, weare not able to reproduce accurately the observed spectrum in thisregion and, moreover, the synthetic spectrum is not sensitive to largevariations in the isotopic ratios.

Lithium in Large Magellanic Cloud carbon stars
19 carbon stars that show lithium enrichment in their atmospheres havebeen discovered among a sample of 674 carbon stars in the LargeMagellanic Cloud. Six of the Li-rich carbon stars are of the J type,i.e. they show strong 13C isotopic features. No super-Li-richcarbon stars were found. The incidence of lithium enrichment amongcarbon stars in the LMC is much rarer than in the Galaxy, and about fivetimes more frequent among J-type than among N-type carbon stars. Thebolometric magnitudes of the Li-rich carbon stars range between -3.3 and-5.7. Existing models of Li-enrichment via the hot bottom burningprocess fail to account for all of the observed properties of theLi-enriched stars studied here.

Reprocessing the Hipparcos data of evolved stars. III. Revised Hipparcos period-luminosity relationship for galactic long-period variable stars
We analyze the K band luminosities of a sample of galactic long-periodvariables using parallaxes measured by the Hipparcos mission. Theparallaxes are in most cases re-computed from the Hipparcos IntermediateAstrometric Data using improved astrometric fits and chromaticitycorrections. The K band magnitudes are taken from the literature andfrom measurements by COBE, and are corrected for interstellar andcircumstellar extinction. The sample contains stars of several spectraltypes: M, S and C, and of several variability classes: Mira, semiregularSRa, and SRb. We find that the distribution of stars in theperiod-luminosity plane is independent of circumstellar chemistry, butthat the different variability types have different P-L distributions.Both the Mira variables and the SRb variables have reasonablywell-defined period-luminosity relationships, but with very differentslopes. The SRa variables are distributed between the two classes,suggesting that they are a mixture of Miras and SRb, rather than aseparate class of stars. New period-luminosity relationships are derivedbased on our revised Hipparcos parallaxes. The Miras show a similarperiod-luminosity relationship to that found for Large Magellanic CloudMiras by Feast et al. (\cite{Feast-1989:a}). The maximum absolute Kmagnitude of the sample is about -8.2 for both Miras and semi-regularstars, only slightly fainter than the expected AGB limit. We show thatthe stars with the longest periods (P>400 d) have high mass lossrates and are almost all Mira variables.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA \cite{Hipparcos}).Table \ref{Tab:data1} is only available in electronic form at the CDSvia anonymous ftp to ( or via

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

s-Process Nucleosynthesis in Carbon Stars
We present the first detailed and homogeneous analysis of the s-elementcontent in Galactic carbon stars of N type. Abundances of Sr, Y, Zr(low-mass s-elements, or ls), Ba, La, Nd, Sm, and Ce (high-masss-elements, or hs) are derived using the spectral synthesis techniquefrom high-resolution spectra. The N stars analyzed are of nearly solarmetallicity and show moderate s-element enhancements, similar to thosefound in S stars, but smaller than those found in the only previoussimilar study (Utsumi 1985), and also smaller than those found insupergiant post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) stars. This is inagreement with the present understanding of the envelope s-elementenrichment in giant stars, which is increasing along the spectralsequence M-->MS-->S-->SC-->C during the AGB phase. Wecompare the observational data with recent s-process nucleosynthesismodels for different metallicities and stellar masses. Good agreement isobtained between low-mass AGB star models (M<~3 Msolar)and s-element observations. In low-mass AGB stars, the13C(α, n)16O reaction is the main source ofneutrons for the s-process a moderate spread, however, must exist in theabundance of 13C that is burnt in different stars. Bycombining information deriving from the detection of Tc, the infraredcolors, and the theoretical relations between stellar mass, metallicity,and the final C/O ratio, we conclude that most (or maybe all) of the Nstars studied in this work are intrinsic, thermally pulsing AGB stars;their abundances are the consequence of the operation of third dredge-upand are not to be ascribed to mass transfer in binary systems.

Carbon-rich giants in the HR diagram and their luminosity function
The luminosity function (LF) of nearly 300 Galactic carbon giants isderived. Adding BaII giants and various related objects, about 370objects are located in the RGB and AGB portions of the theoretical HRdiagram. As intermediate steps, (1) bolometric corrections arecalibrated against selected intrinsic color indices; (2) the diagram ofphotometric coefficients 1/2 vs. astrometric trueparallaxes varpi are interpreted in terms of ranges of photosphericradii for every photometric group; (3) coefficients CR andCL for bias-free evaluation of mean photospheric radii andmean luminosities are computed. The LF of Galactic carbon giantsexhibits two maxima corresponding to the HC-stars of the thick disk andto the CV-stars of the old thin disk respectively. It is discussed andcompared to those of carbon stars in the Magellanic Clouds and Galacticbulge. The HC-part is similar to the LF of the Galactic bulge,reinforcing the idea that the Bulge and the thick disk are part of thesame dynamical component. The CV-part looks similar to the LF of theLarge Magellanic Cloud (LMC), but the former is wider due to thesubstantial errors on HIPPARCOS parallaxes. The obtained meanluminosities increase with increasing radii and decreasing effectivetemperatures, along the HC-CV sequence of photometric groups, except forHC0, the earliest one. This trend illustrates the RGB- and AGB-tracks oflow- and intermediate-mass stars for a range in metallicities. From acomparison with theoretical tracks in the HR diagram, the initial massesMi range from about 0.8 to 4.0 Msun for carbongiants, with possibly larger masses for a few extreme objects. A largerange of metallicities is likely, from metal-poor HC-stars classified asCH stars on the grounds of their spectra (a spheroidal component), tonear-solar compositions of many CV-stars. Technetium-rich carbon giantsare brighter than the lower limit Mbol =~ -3.6+/- 0.4 andcentered at =~-4.7+0.6-0.9 at about =~(2935+/-200) K or CV3-CV4 in our classification. Much like the resultsof Van Eck et al. (\cite{vaneck98}) for S stars, this confirms theTDU-model of those TP-AGB stars. This is not the case of the HC-stars inthe thick disk, with >~ 3400 K and>~ -3.4. The faint HC1 and HC2-stars( =~ -1.1+0.7-1.0) arefound slightly brighter than the BaII giants ( =~-0.3+/-1.3) on average. Most RCB variables and HdC stars range fromMbol =~ -1 to -4 against -0.2 to -2.4 for those of the threepopulation II Cepheids in the sample. The former stars show the largestluminosities ( <~ -4 at the highest effectivetemperatures (6500-7500 K), close to the Mbol =~ -5 value forthe hot LMC RCB-stars (W Men and HV 5637). A full discussion of theresults is postponed to a companion paper on pulsation modes andpulsation masses of carbon-rich long period variables (LPVs; Paper IV,present issue). This research has made use of the Simbad databaseoperated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. Partially based on data from theESA HIPPARCOS astrometry satellite. Table 2 is only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to or via

Millimetre observations of infrared carbon stars. II. Mass loss rates and expansion velocities
Dust- and gas mass loss rates and distances are determined for a sampleof about 330 infra-red carbon stars that probe a distance up to about5.5 kpc. The dependence of the dust- and gas mass loss rates, and theexpansion velocity upon galactic longitude (l) are studied. It is foundthat the expansion velocity significantly depends on l, but that theabsolute bolometric magnitude, the dust mass loss rate and thegas-to-dust ratio depend on l marginally, if at all, and the gas massloss rate does not depend on l. Beyond the solar circle, the expansionvelocity (as well as the luminosity, dust-to-gas ratio, dust mass lossrate) is lower than inside the solar circle, as expected from theoverall gradient in metallicity content of the Galaxy. Combining theaverage expansion velocity inside and beyond the solar circle with thetheoretically predicted relation between expansion velocity andgas-to-dust ratio, we find that the metallicity gradient in the solarneighbourhood is about -0.034 dex/kpc, well within the quoted range ofvalues in the literature.

CHARM: A Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements
The Catalog of High Angular Resolution Measurements (CHARM) includesmost of the measurements obtained by the techniques of lunaroccultations and long-baseline interferometry at visual and infraredwavelengths, which have appeared in the literature or have otherwisebeen made public until mid-2001. A total of 2432 measurements of 1625sources are included, along with extensive auxiliary information. Inparticular, visual and infrared photometry is included for almost allthe sources. This has been partly extracted from currently availablecatalogs, and partly obtained specifically for CHARM. The main aim is toprovide a compilation of sources which could be used as calibrators orfor science verification purposes by the new generation of largeground-based facilities such as the ESO Very Large Interferometer andthe Keck Interferometer. The Catalog is available in electronic form atthe CDS via anonymous ftp to ( or via, and from theauthors on CD-Rom.

Long-Term VRI Photometry of Small-Amplitude Red Variables. I. Light Curves and Periods
We report up to 5000 days of VRI photometry, from a robotic photometrictelescope, of 34 pulsating red giants, namely, TV Psc, EG And, Z Psc, RZAnd, 4 Ori, RX Lep, UW Lyn, η Gem, μ Gem, ψ1 Aur,V523 Mon, V614 Mon, HD 52690, Y Lyn, BC CMi, X Cnc, UX Lyn, RS Cnc, VYUMa, ST UMa, TU CVn, FS Com, SW Vir, 30 Her, α1 Her,V642 Her, R Lyr, V450 Aql, V1293 Aql, δ Sge, EU Del, V1070 Cyg, WCyg, and μ Cep, as well as a few variable comparison stars. V, R, andI variations are generally in phase. The length and density of the dataenable us to look for variations on timescales ranging from days toyears. We use both power-spectrum (Fourier) analysis and autocorrelationanalysis, as well as light-curve analysis; these three approaches arecomplementary. The variations range from regular to irregular, but inmost of the stars, we find a period in the range of 20-200 days, whichis probably due to low-order radial pulsation. In many of the stars, wealso find a period which is an order of magnitude longer. It may be dueto rotation, or it may be due to a new kind of convectively inducedoscillatory thermal mode, recently proposed by P. Wood.

Multiperiodicities from the Hipparcos epoch photometry and possible pulsation in early A-type stars
A selection criterion based on the relative strength of the largestpeaks in the amplitude spectra, and an information criterion are used incombination to search for multiperiodicities in Hipparcos epochphotometry. The method is applied to all stars which have beenclassified as variable in the Hipparcos catalogue: periodic, unsolvedand microvariables. Results are assessed critically: although there aremany problems arising from aliasing, there are also a number ofinteresting frequency combinations which deserve further investigation.One such result is the possible occurrence of multiple periods of theorder of a day in a few early A-type stars. The Hipparcos catalogue alsocontains a number of these stars with single periodicities: such starswith no obvious variability classifications are listed, and informationabout their properties (e.g., radial velocity variations) discussed.These stars may constitute a new class of pulsators.

General Catalog of Galactic Carbon Stars by C. B. Stephenson. Third Edition
The catalog is an updated and revised version of Stephenson's Catalogueof Galactic Cool Carbon Stars (2nd edition). It includes 6891 entries.For each star the following information is given: equatorial (2000.0)and galactic coordinates, blue, visual and infrared magnitudes, spectralclassification, references, designations in the most significantcatalogs and coordinate precision classes. The main catalog issupplemented by remarks containing information for which there was noplace in entries of the main part, as well as some occasional notesabout the peculiarities of specific stars.

The 85Kr s-Process Branching and the Mass of Carbon Stars
We present new spectroscopic observations for a sample of C(N)-type redgiants. These objects belong to the class of asymptotic giant branchstars, experiencing thermal instabilities in the He-burning shell(thermal pulses). Mixing episodes called third dredge-up enrich thephotosphere with newly synthesized 12C in the He-rich zone,and this is the source of the high observed ratio between carbon andoxygen (C/O>=1 by number). Our spectroscopic abundance estimatesconfirm that, in agreement with the general understanding of the lateevolutionary stages of low- and intermediate-mass stars, carbonenrichment is accompanied by the appearance of s-process elements in thephotosphere. We discuss the details of the observations and of thederived abundances, focusing in particular on rubidium, a neutrondensity sensitive element, and on the s-elements Sr, Y, and Zr belongingto the first s-peak. The critical reaction branching at 85Kr,which determines the relative enrichment of the studied species, isdiscussed. Subsequently, we compare our data with recent models fors-processing in thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars, atmetallicities relevant for our sample. A remarkable agreement betweenmodel predictions and observations is found. Thanks to the differentneutron density prevailing in low- and intermediate-mass stars,comparison with the models allows us to conclude that most C(N) starsare of low mass (M<~3 Msolar). We also analyze the12C/13C ratios measured, showing that most of themcannot be explained by canonical stellar models. We discuss how thisfact would require the operation of an ad hoc additional mixing,currently called cool bottom process, operating only in low-mass starsduring the first ascent of the red giant branch and, perhaps, alsoduring the asymptotic giant branch.

Long period variable stars: galactic populations and infrared luminosity calibrations
In this paper HIPPARCOS astrometric and kinematic data are used tocalibrate both infrared luminosities and kinematical parameters of LongPeriod Variable stars (LPVs). Individual absolute K and IRAS 12 and 25luminosities of 800 LPVs are determined and made available in electronicform. The estimated mean kinematics is analyzed in terms of galacticpopulations. LPVs are found to belong to galactic populations rangingfrom the thin disk to the extended disk. An age range and a lower limitof the initial mass is given for stars of each population. A differenceof 1.3 mag in K for the upper limit of the Asymptotic Giant Branch isfound between the disk and old disk galactic populations, confirming itsdependence on the mass in the main sequence. LPVs with a thin envelopeare distinguished using the estimated mean IRAS luminosities. The levelof attraction (in the classification sense) of each group for the usualclassifying parameters of LPVs (variability and spectral types) isexamined. Table only available in electronic form at the CDS viaanonymous ftp to ( or via or via ASTRIDdatabase (

The effective temperatures of carbon-rich stars
We evaluate effective temperatures of 390 carbon-rich stars. Theinterstellar extinction on their lines of sights was determined andcircumstellar contributions derived. The intrinsic (dereddened) spectralenergy distributions (SEDs) are classified into 14 photometric groups(HCi, CVj and SCV with i=0,5 and j=1,7). The newscale of effective temperatures proposed here is calibrated on the 54angular diameters (measured on 52 stars) available at present from lunaroccultations and interferometry. The brightness distribution on stellardiscs and its influence on diameter evaluations are discussed. Theeffective temperatures directly deduced from those diameters correlatewith the classification into photometric groups, despite the large errorbars on diameters. The main parameter of our photometric classificationis thus effective temperature. Our photometric < k right >1/2 coefficients are shown to be angular diameters on arelative scale for a given photometric group, (more precisely for agiven effective temperature). The angular diameters are consistent withthe photometric data previously shown to be consistent with the trueparallaxes from HIPPARCOS observations (Knapik, et al. \cite{knapik98},Sect. 6). Provisional effective temperatures, as constrained by asuccessful comparison of dereddened SEDs from observations to modelatmosphere predictions, are in good agreement with the values directlycalculated from the observed angular diameters and with those deducedfrom five selected intrinsic color indices. These three approaches wereused to calibrate a reference angular diameter Phi 0 and theassociated coefficient CT_eff. The effective temperatureproposed for each star is the arithmetic mean of two estimates, one(``bolometric'') from a reference integrated flux F0, theother (``spectral'') from calibrated color indices which arerepresentative of SED shapes. Effective temperatures for about 390carbon stars are provided on this new homogeneous scale, together withvalues for some stars classified with oxygen-type SEDs with a total of438 SEDs (410 stars) studied. Apparent bolometric magnitudes are given.Objects with strong infrared excesses and optically thick circumstellardust shells are discussed separately. The new effective temperaturescale is shown to be compatible and (statistically) consistent with thesample of direct values from the observed angular diameters. Theeffective temperatures are confirmed to be higher than the mean colortemperatures (from 140 to 440 K). They are in good agreement with thepublished estimates from the infrared flux method forTeff>= 3170 K, while an increasing discrepancy is observedtoward lower temperatures. As an illustration of the efficiency of thephotometric classification and effective temperature scale, the C/Oratios and the Merrill-Sanford (M-S) band intensities are investigated.It is shown that the maximum value, mean value and dispersion of C/Oincrease along the photometric CV-sequence, i.e. with decreasingeffective temperature. The M-S bands of SiC2 are shown tohave a transition from ``none'' to ``strong'' at Teff =~(2800+/- 150right ) K. Simultaneously, with decreasing effectivetemperature, the mean C/O ratio increases from 1.04 to 1.36, thetransition in SiC2 strength occurring while 1.07<= C/O<= 1.18. This research has made use of the Simbad database operatedat CDS, Strasbourg, France. Table 10 is only available in electronicform at the CDS via anonymous ftp to (}or via

Models of circumstellar molecular radio line emission. Mass loss rates for a sample of bright carbon stars
Using a detailed radiative transfer analysis, combined with an energybalance equation for the gas, we have performed extensive modelling ofcircumstellar CO radio line emission from a large sample of opticallybright carbon stars, originally observed by Olofsson et al. (ApJS, 87,267). Some new observational results are presented here. We determinesome of the basic parameters that characterize circumstellar envelopes(CSEs), e.g., the stellar mass loss rate, the gas expansion velocity,and the kinetic temperature structure of the gas. Assuming a sphericallysymmetric CSE with a smooth gas density distribution, created by acontinuous mass loss, which expands with a constant velocity we are ableto model reasonably well 61 of our 69 sample stars. The derived massloss rates depend crucially on the assumptions in the circumstellarmodel, of which some can be constrained if enough observational dataexist. Therefore, a reliable mass loss rate determination for anindividual star requires, in addition to a detailed radiative transferanalysis, good observational constraints in the form of multi-lineobservations and radial brightness distributions. In our analysis we usethe results of a model for the photodissociation of circumstellar CO byMamon et al. (1988). This leads to model fits to observed radialbrightness profiles that are, in general, very good, but there are alsoa few cases with clear deviations, which suggest departures from asimple r-2 density law. The derived mass loss rates spanalmost four orders of magnitude, from ~ 5 10-9Msun yr-1 up to ~ 2 10-5Msun yr-1, with the median mass loss rate being ~3 10-7 Msun yr-1. We estimate that themass loss rates are typically accurate to ~ 50% within the adoptedcircumstellar model. The physical conditions prevailing in the CSEs varyconsiderably over such a large range of mass loss rates. Among otherthings, it appears that the dust-to-gas mass ratio and/or the dustproperties change with the mass loss rate. We find that the mass lossrate and the gas expansion velocity are well correlated, and that bothof them clearly depend on the pulsational period and (with largerscatter) the stellar luminosity. Moreover, the mass loss rate correlatesweakly with the stellar effective temperature, in the sense that thecooler stars tend to have higher mass loss rates, but there seems to beno correlation with the stellar C/O-ratio. We conclude that the massloss rate increases with increased regular pulsation and/or luminosity,and that the expansion velocity increases as an effect of increasingmass loss rate (for low mass loss rates) and luminosity. Five, of theremaining eight, sample stars have detached CSEs in the form ofgeometrically thin CO shells. The present mass loss rates and shellmasses of these sources are estimated. Finally, in three cases weencounter problems using our model. For two of these sources there areindications of significant departures from overall spherical symmetry ofthe CSEs. Carbon stars on the AGB are probably important in returningprocessed gas to the ISM. We estimate that carbon stars of the typeconsidered here annually return ~ 0.05 Msun of gas to theGalaxy, but more extreme carbon stars may contribute an order ofmagnitude more. However, as for the total carbon budget of the Galaxy,carbon stars appear to be of only minor importance. Presented in thispaper is observational data collected using the Swedish-ESOsubmillimetre telescope, La Silla, Chile, the 20\,m telescope at OnsalaSpace Observatory, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Sweden, and the NRAO12\,m telescope located at Kitt Peak, USA.}

Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars (CADARS) - Third edition - Comments and statistics
The Catalogue, available at the Centre de Données Stellaires deStrasbourg, consists of 13 573 records concerning the results obtainedfrom different methods for 7778 stars, reported in the literature. Thefollowing data are listed for each star: identifications, apparentmagnitude, spectral type, apparent diameter in arcsec, absolute radiusin solar units, method of determination, reference, remarks. Commentsand statistics obtained from CADARS are given. The Catalogue isavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp ( or via

Long-Term VRI Photometry of Pulsating Red Giants
We report up to 5000 days of VRI photometry, from a robotic photometrictelescope, of 37 pulsating red giants, namely: TV Psc, EG And, Z Psc, RZAnd, 4 Ori, RX Lep, η Gem, μ Gem, UW Lyn, ψ 1 Aur,V523 Mon, V614 Mon, HD 52690, Y Lyn, BC CMi, X Cnc, UX Lyn, RS Cnc, VYUMa, ST UMa, TU CVn, FS Com, 35 Com, SW Vir, 30 Her, α1 Her, V642 Her, R Lyr, HD 174621, V450 Aql, V1293 Aql,δ Sge, EU Del, V1070 Cyg, W Cyg, μ Cep, and ν Cep. V, R, andI variations are generally in phase. The length and density of the dataenable us to look for variations on time scales ranging from days toyears. We use both power-spectrum (Fourier) analysis, andautocorrelation analysis, as well as light-curve analysis; these threeapproaches are complementary. The variations range from regular toirregular but, in most of the stars, we find a period in the range of 20to 200 days which is probably due to low-order radial pulsation. In manyof the stars, we also find a period which is an order of magnitudelonger. It may be due to rotation, or it may be due to a new kind ofconvectively-induced oscillatory thermal mode, recently proposed byPeter Wood. Supported by NASA, NSF, and NSERC Canada.

On the distance and mass-loss rate of carbon stars showing the silicon carbide emission feature
The distances and the mass-loss rates of carbon stars are in generalvery poorly known. The various estimates of the distances, taken fromthe general literature, show considerable discrepancies, while theevaluations of the mass-loss rates can be in error by more than an orderof magnitude. In this work we have evaluated these two important stellarparameters for a previously selected sample of 55 carbon stars showingthe 11.3 mu m band, commonly attributed to silicon carbide (SiC) grains.To perform the calculation we have used the values of geometrical andphysical parameters of these sources obtained from the best fits oftheir observed spectra. Using the distance values derived in this wayand the 11.3 mu m band intensity, we have evaluated the absolute bandstrength and we have found that, in agreement with other authors, thereis a correlation between this quantity and the mass-loss rate. Thiscorrelation can be very useful to determine the mass-loss rate of othercarbon stars not included in our sample, by means of the intensity ofthe SiC band, without using the usual technique based on COobservations. The same procedure can be conveniently applied to the sameas well as to other carbon stars, whose spectra will be available to thecommunity in the next future (i.e. the infrared spectra of sourcesobserved by the Infrared Satellite Observatory, ISO).

Distance Determination of Mass-Losing Stars
Based on the Principal Component Analysis on IRAS colors and the radiodata, the distances to 183 mass-losing red giant stars were determinedusing the radial velocity and Oort's galactic rotation model for azero-point calibration in the distance modulus. Also, based on therequirement of higher accuracy of the distance determination, themass-losing red giant stars were divided into two groups by means of thefirst-principal component representing an intrinsic photometric propertyof the expanding shell; then, the distances were estimated to be log{d(kpc)}=0.458 p_2+0.09+/-0.13 for group 1 and log {d(kpc)}=0.325p_2+0.45+/-0.15 for group 2, where p_2 is the principal componentcorresponding to the distance, as obtained from the IRAS flux, which wasassumed to be inversely proportional to the square of the distance.Thus,these two groups differ from each other not only by theirphotometric properties, but also by their average distances, by a factorof about 2. Systematic differences exist between the two groups in theirpopulation characteristics and in their evolutionary stages.

Observations and modelling of spectral energy distributions of carbon stars with optically thin envelopes
We present broad-band photometry in the optical, near-infrared andsubmillimetre, and mid-infrared spectrophotometry of a selection ofcarbon stars with optically thin envelopes. Most of the observationswere carried out simultaneously. Beside the emission feature at 11.3mumdue to silicon carbide grains in the circumstellar environment, many ofour mid-infrared spectra show an emission feature at 8.6mum. All theobserved spectral energy distributions exhibit a very large far-infraredflux excess. Both these features are indeed common to many carbon starssurrounded by optically thin envelopes. We have modelled the observedspectral energy distributions by means of a full radiative transfertreatment, paying particular attention to the features quoted above. Thepeak at 8.6mum is usually ascribed to the presence of hydrogenatedamorphous carbon grains. We find also that the feature at 8.6mum mightbe reproduced by assuming that the stars have a circumstellarenvironment formed of both carbon- and oxygen-rich dust grains, althoughthis is in contrast with what one should expect in a carbon-richenvironment. The far-infrared flux excess is usually explained by thepresence of a cool detached dust shell. Following this hypothesis, ourmodels suggest a time-scale for the modulation of the mass-loss rate ofthe order of some 10^3yr.

Baldone Schmidt Telescope Plate Archive and Catalogue
The article presents information on the archive and catalogue of theastrophotos taken with the Schmidt telescope of the Institute ofAstronomy of the University of Latvia (until July 1, 1997 --Radioastrophysical Observatory of the Latvian Academy of Sciences) inthe period 1967--1998. The archive and catalogue contain more than 22000direct and 2300 spectral photos of various sky regions. Information onthe types of photo materials and color filters used as well as on mostfrequently photographed sky fields or objects is given. The catalogue isavailable in a computer readable form at the Institute of Astronomy ofthe University of Latvia and at the Astrophysical Observatory in Baldone(Riekstukalns, Baldone, LV-2125, Latvia), e-mail: [email protected].

Photoelectric Photometry of Stars in the Orion Standard Region
Magnitudes and color indices in the Vilnius seven-color photometricsystem are given for 108 stars in the Orion standard region around theOrion Belt and the star lambda Orionis. New spectral and luminosityclasses, estimated from the photometric data, are given for some of thestars.

Carbon Stars
Absolute magnitudes are estimated for carbon stars of various subtypesin the Hipparcos catalogue and as found in the Magellanic Clouds.Stellar radii fall within the limits of 2.4-4.7 AU. The chemicalcomposition of carbon stars indicates that the C-N stars show nearlysolar C/H, N/H, and ^12C/^13C ratios. This indicates that much of the Cand N in our Galaxy came from mass-losing carbon stars. Special carbonstars such as the C-R, C-H, and dC stars are described. Mass loss fromasymptotic giant branch (AGB) carbon stars, at rates up to several x10^-5 M{solar} year^-1, contributes about half of the total mass returnto the interstellar medium. R stars do not lose mass and may becarbon-rich red giants. The mass loss rates for Miras are about 10 timeshigher than for SRb and Lb stars, whose properties are similar enough toshow that they are likely to belong to the same population. Thedistribution of carbon star mass loss rates peaks at about 10^-7M{solar} year^-1, close to the rate of growth of the core mass anddemonstrative of the close relationship between mass loss and evolution.Infrared spectroscopy shows that dust mixtures can occur. Detachedshells are seen around some stars; they appear to form on the timescales of the helium shell flashes and to be a normal occurrence incarbon star evolution.

Spectrophotometry of carbon stars.
Not Available

The carbon-rich dust sequence - Infrared spectral classification of carbon stars
We have developed a classification system for the infrared spectralemission from carbon stars using a sample of 96 bright carbon-richvariables associated with the asymptotic giant branch. In addition tothe stellar contribution, most spectra include the 11.2 micron emissionfeature from SiC and either a smooth, cool continuum from amorphouscarbon or a secondary emission feature at 9.0 microns. We haveidentified a carbon-rich dust sequence along which the amorphous carboncomponent grows while the 9.0 micron feature declines in strength. Alongthis spectral sequence, the proportion of Mira variables increases, asdoes the period of variability, the mass-loss rate, and the thickness ofthe circumstellar shell. Thus the carbon-rich dust sequence appears tobe an evolutionary sequence. One class of spectra shows a particularlystrong 9.0 micron feature, enhanced C/O ratio, and several other unusualproperties that suggest a different sequence, perhaps related to Jstars.

Quantitative analysis of carbon isotopic ratios in carbon stars. II. The effect of model atmosphere on the iso-intensity method
We discuss the analysis of (12C/({13)) C} ratios in cool carbon starspresented by de Laverny & Gustafsson (\cite{dLG98}), who questionedthe reliability of the iso-intensity method used by Ohnaka & Tsuji(\cite{OT96}). We show that the systematic discrepancy of (12C/({13)) C}ratios between Lambert et al. (\cite{lambert86}) and Ohnaka & Tsuji(\cite{OT96}) cannot be attributed to the uncertainty of theiso-intensity method. The analysis of the iso-intensity method done byde Laverny & Gustafsson (\cite{dLG98}) differs from that of Ohnaka& Tsuji (\cite{OT96}), defining the abscissa of curves of depthgrowth in a completely different manner. Namely, we derived the abscissadirectly from model atmospheres, while they simply assumed a singleexcitation temperature whose value is never accurately derived. The highsensitivity of the iso-intensity method to model atmospheres, reportedin their work, can be attributed to an incorrect definition of theabscissa of curves of depth growth. In fact, we show that thedetermination of (12C/({13)) C} ratios by the iso-intensity method isnot so sensitive to model atmospheres (atmospheric structure itself andstellar parameters) as they claim, when the abscissa is properlycalculated. In addition, we demonstrate that our model atmospheres canreproduce photometric and spectrophotometric observations fairly well.Therefore, their conclusion that the iso-intensity method is risky andunreliable for determining (12C/({13)) C} ratios in cool carbon starscannot be justified.

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Datos observacionales y astrométricos

Constelación:Piscis, Peces
Ascensión Recta:01h16m05.03s
Magnitud Aparente:6.775
Distancia:323.625 parsecs
Movimiento Propio en Ascensión Recta:-7
Movimiento Propio en Declinación:-0.8
B-T magnitude:10.447
V-T magnitude:7.079

Catálogos y designaciones:
Nombres Propios   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 7561
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1750-2134-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1125-00428351

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